USAID and JNC Conduct Training of Trainers Workshop

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The two consultants  Dr. Barbara Nicolas and Dr. Catharine Davis from the CGFNS organization during the Workshop. Photo by JNC

  USAID Economic Development Program (SABEQ) and Jordanian Nursing Council (JNC) conducted a Training of Trainers Workshop entitled Item Writing and Clinical Teaching and Evaluation which comes to reflect efforts of JNC to enhance the overall quality of nursing education in Jordan. 

 The four days workshop aimed to build national expertise in the field of item test writing, and clinical teaching knowledge and skills. Such expertise in the teaching and assessment of nursing students will promote nursing students growth and development and ensure that the graduates are prepared to provide quality healthcare services and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the Jordanian public.

 Attending the workshop were forty faculties from different nursing schools and a number of clinical nurses working in continuous education in Jordan. Each attendee will put a program to disseminate the information presented at the workshop to other colleagues in their institutions.

  Forty faculties from different nursing schools and a number of clinical nurses working in continuous education had attended the four days workshop that aimed to build national experts in the field of item test writing, and clinical teaching knowledge and skills.

Photo by JNC.

  To ensure high standardization and accreditation prospects, CGFNS was contracted to conduct the workshop. CGFNS is an internationally recognized, immigration-neutral, nonprofit organization, and an authority on credentials evaluation pertaining to the education, registration and licensure of nurses and other health care professionals worldwide.  CGFNS experience in the field extends over more than thirty years.  Dr. Barbara Nicolas and Dr. Catharine Davis from CGFNS ran the workshop.

 It is worth noting that JNC continues to work towards certifying the MSc and the high diploma degrees in nursing specialties, as well as licensing new graduate nurses. 

  Mr. Ziad Abbasi Medical Sector Lead at the USAID Jordan Economic Development Program received a recognition shield presented by CGFNS organization as an appreciation for the support of the USAIDSABEQ. Photo by JNC.

  Such licensing will require conducting exams for the nurses. JNC will benefit from the participating nurses by share acquired knowledge and providing JNC with questions to be added to their questions bank.
  The USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ) is a five year broad economic development initiative implemented by Bearing Point, Inc. and a sizeable team of international and Jordanian partner firms. By both supporting improvements in the business environment and providing assistance to expand innovation and productivity in Jordanian businesses, SABEQ’s four components all support the common objective of building up the private sector- Jordan’s companies, innovators and entrepreneurs- as a powerful engine of economic growth